Scientific Conference on Law 06.03.2019

Scientific Conference on Law

On June 10, 2019, the Faculty of Law of Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University manages student scientific conference on law. Students of law faculty can participate in the conference.

The conference will be opened on June 10, 12, 12, at the University Conference Hall.

Conference topics addressed to the Head of the THU should be presented no later than June 1, 2019.

The duration of the report is 10-12 min, discussion - 3 minutes.

Topics should meet the following requirements:

1. Volume - no less than 5 no more than 12 pages.
2. Topics should be submitted in Georgian.
3. Syntax - Sylfaen size 12, distance between strings 1;
4. Topics should contain the following information:

Author (name, surname);
The title of a higher education institution;
Head (name, surname, rank, academic position);
Title of the work;
Text (contents) in printed and electronic form.

Conference participants will be awarded certificates and various proceeds. Presented works will be published in the THU Conference Journal.

Those willing to participate please fill in the application:

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