Student Online Conference on: Pandemic, World Economy and Caucasus Region 25.05.2021

Student Online Conference on: Pandemic, World Economy and Caucasus Region

The conference is open to all undergraduate students interested in studying and critically analyzing current problems / challenges in local and international economics and business, as well as identifying current trends and future prospects.

The conference will be held on June 24, 2021

The working languages ​​of the conference are: Georgian and Russian

Full text: 4-6 pages (including the title page); Font: Sylfaen; Distance between lines -1.5; Font size -12 The authors of the chosen topic will present a maximum of 15 minutes of presentation at the conference. After each speaker there will be a discussion around the topic discussed. At the end of the conference, the jury will select the 3 best speakers, who will be presented with symbolic gifts. All participants will be awarded a certificate.

Those wishing to participate, please fill out the application:

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