Webinar on topic - May 26, 1918: Declaration of State Independence of Georgia 29.05.2021

Webinar on topic - May 26, 1918: Declaration of State Independence of Georgia

On May 28, 2021, a webinar was organized by the Faculty of Law of Tbilisi Humanitarian University and the NNLE “Civic Education Center” dedicated to the Day of Declaration of State Independence of Georgia, on May 26, 2018.

The webinar was led by Otar Janelidze, a researcher at the Georgian National Museum, a professor at Gori State University, a researcher at the Institute of Political Science at Ilia State University, the author of numerous textbooks and scientific papers. Georgia Independence Act. "

The presented topic aroused the interest of many listeners, a number of questions were asked from the historical past of Georgia, to which the webinar participants received comprehensive answers.

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