A webinar will be held on May 28 at 19:00 on the topic - May 26, 1918: Declaration of State Independence of Georgia 24.05.2021

A webinar will be held on May 28 at 19:00 on the topic - May 26, 1918: Declaration of State Independence of Georgia

We would like to inform you that the Civic Education Center and the Faculty of Law of the Tbilisi Humanitarian University will organize a webinar (Part II) on May 28, 2021 (May 26, 1918: Declaration of State Independence of Georgia).
The webinar will be led by Otar Janelidze, a researcher at the Georgian National Museum, a professor at Gori State University, a researcher at the Institute of Political Science at Ilia State University, and the author of numerous textbooks and scientific papers.
Attendance at the webinar is free.
The number of people attending the webinar is limited.
If desired, it is possible to issue only a bilingual (Georgian / English) certificate in electronic pdf format.
The webinar will be held via Google Meet.
If you wish to attend the webinar, please email us at the organization's email - civiceducationcentre@gmail.com no later than May 27th.

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