Two-day training for academic and visiting staff of the Faculty of Health! 15.08.2024

Two-day training for academic and visiting staff of the Faculty of Health!

"Modern teaching methods in medical education"
 "Modern assessment methods in medical education"

On August 9 and 10, 2024, a two-day training was held for the academic and visiting staff of the Faculty of Health of the Tbilisi Humanitarian Education University, led by Doctor of Medicine, AMEE specialist, AMEE associate member Irine Pkhakadze.
Training - "Modern teaching methods in medical education" included the following modules: PBL, CBL, CBCR, Flipped classroom.
Training - "Modern assessment methods in medical education" included OSCE, OSPE, WPBA, DOPS, Mini-CEX modules.
The trainings were financed with the support of the Tbilisi Humanitarian Education University.

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