Students' Online Scientific Conference at the Faculty of Law 15.06.2020

Students' Online Scientific Conference at the Faculty of Law

The first law student online scientific conference on "Current issues of law in the context of a pandemic" will be held on July 10, 2020 at 12 o'clock, organized by the Faculty of Law of Tbilisi Humanitarian University.

The conference aims to establish and develop legal-analytical thinking among students, students will be able to present current issues of law from different angles, to conduct in-depth discussion and analysis of practical and conflictual issues.


The conference serves to raise the legal awareness of students, identify and encourage successful students. Students of bachelor's and master's degree programs in law from all accredited higher education institutions of Georgia can take part in the conference. 


Standard for the performance of a student scientific paper: 


The scientific paper must be submitted electronically, accompanied by a list of used literature and a summary.


Perform a resume:


  • Summary volume 300 words;
  • The resume must be in Georgian and English;
  • Keywords should be written in Georgian and English;


The procedure for submitting a paper: 


The paper must be sent to the e-mail address, the paper must be submitted in Georgian in the form of a Microsoft Word document.


  • Student scientific papers will be accepted in Georgian or English;
  • The paper includes a resume;
  • The volume of the paper should not exceed 06-10 printed pages of A4 format, including the list of used literature and the summary.


Rule of decoration of article and summary: 


  • Font - Sylfaen;
  • Size - 12; 

The student must indicate the title of the topic, the name of the participant, surname, the name of the higher education institution, the academic degree, the name of the supervisor, surname - 12 on the title page of the paper; Main text - 12. 

  • The paper should be clearly structured (introduction, main part, conclusion);
  • The titles of the constituent parts of the paper should be in BOLD;
  • The citation should be made in the following style:

Book: Author's surname, first name. Book name, city, publishing house, date.

Article: Author's surname, in case of several authors with a comma, "Article title," journal title, issue number (year), page.

  • The interval between rows is 1.5;
  • Page borders - 2.5 on all sides;

Each page must be numbered.


The conference participant is advised to submit a 15-minute presentation using the Power Point program.


The Student Scientific Conference will be led by a jury that will identify the winners based on the above criteria and will be awarded a certificate and symbolic gifts to participate in the conference, while the reviewed papers will be published in the conference report collection.


Those wishing to participate in the online scientific conference need to register and fill out the application:


Deadline and address for submission of the conference paper: 


Interested student should send the paper no later than June 28 of the current year to the following e-mail address

The author of a specific paper on access to the conference will receive a notification by e-mail no later than July 3 of the current year.


Students' online scientific conference "Current issues of law in the context of a pandemic" will be held on July 10 at 12 noon using the platform ZOOM

Contact us for more information:
Lia Chighlashvili, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Tbilisi Humanitarian University

Tel.: (+995) 597 54 00 46

Good Luck.

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