The IVth Student Inter-University Online Scientific Conference 20.06.2022

The IVth Student Inter-University Online Scientific Conference

On July 8, 2022, at the Tbilisi Humanitarian University, the Faculty of Law, Humanities and Social Sciences will organize:

The IVth Student Inter-University Online Scientific Conference

All authorized university students can participate in the conference in the following directions:

  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences (Psychology)
  • law

The working language of the conference is: Georgian and


  • The purpose of the conference - to formulate / develop students' research / analytical thinking
  • The conference serves to raise student awareness, identify and encourage successful students
  • Students of higher education institutions accredited in Georgia can participate in the conference


Student Scientific Paper Performance Standard:

The scientific paper should be submitted electronically, accompanied by a list of used literature and a summary.

How to do a resume:

  • The volume of the resume is 300 words;
  • Resume must be completed in Georgian and English;
  • Keywords should be written in Georgian and English;

Rules for submitting the paper:

  • The paper must be sent to the e-mail address, the paper must be submitted in Georgian as a Microsoft Word document.
  • Student scientific papers are accepted in Georgian or English languages;
  • Thesis includes a resume;
  • The volume of the paper, including the list of used literature and the summary, should not exceed 06-10 printed pages of A4 format.

Article and resume writing procedure:

  • Font - Sylfaen;
  • Size - 12;

The student must indicate the title of the topic, the name of the participant, the surname, the name of the higher education institution, the academic degree, the name of the supervisor, the surname - 12 on the title page of the paper; Main text - 12.

  • The paper should be clearly structured (introduction, main part, conclusion)
  • The titles of the constituent parts of the paper should be in bold text (BOLD)
  • The citation should be in the following style: Book: Author surname, first name. Book Name, City, Publisher, Date.
  • Article: Author's surname, in case of several authors with a comma, "Article title," Journal title, issue number (year), page.
  • The spacing between rows is 1.5
  • Page borders - 2.5 on all sides;
  • Each page must be numbered.

The conference participant is invited to give a 15 minute presentation using the Power Point program.

The Student Scientific Conference will be chaired by a jury that will identify the winners based on the above criteria and will be awarded a Certificate of Participation and Symbolic Gifts, while peer-reviewed papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings.

Those wishing to participate in the online scientific conference must register and fill out the application:

Deadline for submitting the conference paper and e-mail address:

  • Phase I - from June 20 to June 27, 2022 - electronic registration
  • Phase II - June 27, 2022 to July 3, 2022 - Sending completed papers to the e-mail address:


Contact Phones: 599 51 73 04 Irina Arjevanidze; 597 54 00 46 Lika Chighlashvili

An inter-university online scientific conference will be held for students

 July 8 at 10 a.m. Using the ZOOM platform:

Meeting ID: 383 559 4703

Passcode: thu047

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