Student Conference 2019 - Current Issues of Economics and Business 14.03.2019

Student Conference 2019 - Current Issues of Economics and Business

Student Conference on "Current Issues of Economics and Business"

Students of all course students of Bachelor's degree who are interested in studying and analyzing current problems and challenges in local and international economics and business, as well as the existing tendencies and future prospects are eligible to take part in the conference.

The conference will be held on May 30, 2019.

Conference is a working language: Georgian and Russian

Full text: 4-6 pages (including the cover);
Font: Sylfaen;
Distance between lines -1.5;
Font size -12
Authors of the selected topic will present a 15-minute presentation at the conference. After each session, the discussion will be held around the topic discussed. At the end of the conference, the jury will be selected by 3 best rapporteurs who will be awarded with symbolic gifts. All participants will be given a certificate.

Those willing to participate please fill in the application:

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