The SRNSFG announces the 2019 Call for Research Grants for Young Scientists
The SRNSFG announces the 2019 Call for Research Grants for Young Scientists
Research Grants for Young Scientists
Project proposal type – institutional
Major terms and conditions of the Call:
- Natural sciences;
- Engineering and technology;
- Medicine and healthcare;
- Agricultural sciences;
- Social Sciences;
- Humanitarian sciences;
- Georgian Studies.
- A young scientist should have a mentor who is a member of academic personnel of the host institution;
- A young scientist can also have consultant (s). The consultant(s) can be a citizen of a foreign country;
- No more than 2 people can be involved in the project as supporting personnel.
Duration of the research project should be 2 years.
Requested funding from SRNSFG should not exceed 30 000 GEL per year and 60 000 GEL per two years.
Funding required from the SRNSFG includes the following categories of expenditures:
- Young scientist’s stipend (should not exceed 15 000 GEL per year)
- Expenditure for research activities (should not exceed 13 500 GEL per year)
- Overhead costs (should not exceed 1500 GEL per year)
- March 20 – Call announcement;
- April 1, April 11 - group consultations;
- April 15 – deadline for sending questions electronically;
- From March 20 to April 18, 16:00 – dates for electronic registration in GMUS;
- April 19, 16:00 – deadline for providing the application document at the SRNSFG office;
- May – technical expertise of the submitted projects;
- June– announcement of the results of technical expertise – information about the projects cancelled due to incompliance with the terms and conditions of the call;
- July - September– evaluation of submitted projects;
- October - publishing results;
- November– signing the grant agreement.
- Minister’s decree №135/ნ
- Decree of the SRNSFG Director General №29
- Field of science and technology classification
- Evaluation criteria
Documents and annexes required for the project
- Project terms and conditions – annex 1
- Cover page (sample) – annex 2
- Project proposal – annex 3 (GEO/ENG)
- CV (sample) - annex 4
- Letter of commitment of mentor/consultant - annex 5 (GEO/ENG)
- Project timeframe - annex 6 (GEO/ENG)
- Project budget (sample) - annex 7 (GEO/ENG)
- Letter of co-funding commitment (if applicable) - annex 8 (GEO/ENG)
- Letter of support on providing access to research infrastructure (if applicable) - annex 9 (GEO/ENG)
Links for electronic registration
The Grants Management Unified System (GMUS) – for project registration (link)
Instruction for electronic registration (link)
- Please, carefully read the Minister’s Decree, SRNSFG Director General’s decree, call Terms and conditions and other annexes;
- Only group consultations will be held;
- Deadline for sending the questions electronically-15/04/2019 at the e-mail address: ys@rustavelil.org.ge. The document of Frequently Asked Question will be uploaded online and updated periodically.
Call coordinators:
Miranda Tedeshvili 2 200 220 (4017)
Lana Davituliani 2 200 220 (4302)
Tamta Turashvili 2 200 2020 (4301) (financial issues)
Email: ys@rustaveli.org.ge
Good Luck!