Order - on Violation of the Rule of Wearing a Face Mask in the Building of THU
Order - on Violation of the Rule of Wearing a Face Mask in the Building of THU
1. It is obligatory for the persons in the building to wear a face mask;
2. If THU as a legal entity is fined for violating the rule defined by this order due to violation of the rules of wearing a face mask by employees, the fine shall be deducted from the salary of the employee violating the law;
3. The rule provided by the mentioned order shall be extended to persons in labor relations with Tbilisi Humanitarian University;
4. To instruct the THU Human Resources Service to introduce the rules provided for in the above-mentioned order to the THU staff;
5. An order may be appealed in accordance with the rules established by the legislation of Georgia, within 1 month. At the Tbilisi City Court;
6. The head of the THU Legal Service (N. Dudashvili) shall be entrusted with the control over the execution of the mentioned order;
7. This order shall be published on the official website of THU.
Valentina Sakvarelidze
Rector - Chairman of the Academic Council
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