12th International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference - Modern Movement of Science 01.03.2021

12th International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference - Modern Movement of Science

12th International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Modern Movement of Science” devoted to the main mission of the International Electronic Scientific and Practical Journal “WayScience” – to pave the way for the development of modern science from idea to result.

The conference starts on April 1-2, 2021 (Dnipro, Ukraine).

Topics cover all sections of the International Electronic Scientific and Practical Journal “WayScience”, namely:

– public administration;

– philosophical sciences;

– economic sciences;

– historical sciences;

– legal sciences;

– agricultural sciences;

– geographic sciences;

– pedagogical sciences;

– psychological sciences;

– sociological sciences;

– political sciences;

– philological sciences;

– technical sciences;

– medical sciences;

– chemical sciences;

– biological sciences;

– physical and mathematical sciences;

– other professional sciences.


Form of participation – distance.

Link to invitation letter:

Конференция 1-2.04.2021

Conference 1-2.04.2021

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