Japanese Government Scholarship for 2022 (Undergraduate Students, Research Students) 28.04.2021

Japanese Government Scholarship for 2022 (Undergraduate Students, Research Students)

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT) offers scholarships to international students who wish to study at universities in Japan as Undergraduate Students and Research Students under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program for 2022.

Applicants are requested to submit application documents to the Embassy of Japan in Georgia by the following date: June 25 (Fri.), 2021

* Please feel free to contact the Embassy for consultation if it is difficult to submit any of application documents by the deadline.
Tel: +995-32-2752111 (reception desk)
E-mail: culture@tb.mofa.go.jp

Applicants can download the program guidelines and application forms from the following website:
Undergraduate Students: https://www.studyinjapan.go.jp/en/smap_stopj-applications_undergraduate.html
Research Students: https://www.studyinjapan.go.jp/en/smap_stopj-applications_research.html

Applicants are requested to read the program guidelines carefully. In case insufficiency of application documents is found without prior notification, the application may be refuse to accept.
The Embassy will inform those who passed screening of the application documents about date and venue of the written examination. The subjects of the examination are indicated in the program guidelines.
Successful applicants of the written examination will be invited to the Embassy for interview.

[Important notice]
Please note that application process could get canceled depending on COVID-19 pandemic situation in Georgia.

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