Proceedings of Tbilisi Humanitarian University 14.07.2021

Proceedings of Tbilisi Humanitarian University

Began receiving articles for the publication of the Proceedings of the Tbilisi Humanitarian University.
Please submit articles following these rules:

Article formatting:
Language of publication - Georgian, English or Russian

Page I - Name, surname, status, contact details of the author (s)
         Annotation (in Georgian and English)


Page II - Title of the article

Font size - 11
Sheet size - A4
Field - up-down -2 cm; On the sides - 2.5 cm
Distance between rows - 1.5 cm
Font - Sylfaen (for Georgian and other languages)

Bibliography - in alphabetical order, chronologically, at the end of the article.
Receive articles until September 1st.
Articles can be sent to the following e-mail address:
For more information write to us or call us at: +995 558108069
Head of THU Research and Development Center
Marine Shavlakadze

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