III Online International Scientific-Practical Interdisciplinary Conference May 28, 2022
Online International Scientific-Practical Interdisciplinary Conference May 28, 2022
Scientific directions of the conference:
1. Humanities;
2. Social Sciences (Business, Law and Psychology);
3. Tourism;
4. Dentistry and Pharmacy;
5. Natural Sciences
The language of the conference is English, Georgian.
Conference participants will receive a certificate
The deadline for registration is May 20, 2022
Conference organizer Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University https://thu.edu.ge
E-mail: marishavlakadze@gmail.com
Mob: 5581080690
Abstracts writing requirements
1. Abstracts are sent in two languages - Georgian and English (please pay attention to the quality of the English text!);
2. Page format - A4;
3. The volume of abstracts - 350 words;
4. 5 keywords;
5. Page field on all sides - 2 cm;
6. Font Georgian text - Sylfaen (size 11), English - Times New Roman (size 12);
7. Interval - 1 (Single);
8. Paragraph - 0.5 cm;
9. Title (Bold, size - 14), omitting one space, author's name, surname, name of higher education/ institution / level of study / academic degree, title (Bold, size 10,);
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