International Scientific Conference of Pitesti State University!
International Scientific Conference of Pitesti State University!
Take part!
On May 17, 2024, the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Law of the THU partner university, together with the Legal Research Institute named after Academician Andrei Redulescu, will hold the regular 16th international scientific conference "EUROPEAN UNION'S HISTORY, CULTURE AND CITIZENSHIP 16th edition".
Within the framework of cooperation, the following organizations are involved in the conference:
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Faculty of Law - Spain
Tbilisi Humanitarian Education University-Faculty of Law, Humanities and Social Sciences-Georgia
Free University of Moldova;
Wallachia University Targoviste-Faculty of Law and Administrative Science-Administrative Science and Legal Research Center-Romania Romanian Academy-"Romania"
Association - "Labor Law and Social Security" - Romania;
"Romanian Forensic Medicine Experts" Association.
To participate in the conference, see the attached files for detailed information.
- April 1, 2024 – deadline for submitting registration form
- April 15, 2024 – deadline for submitting full papers
- May 1, 2024 – notification of papers acceptance
- May 8, 2024 - deadline for paying the participation fee
- May 15, 2024 - programme display on the web page
- Author/group of authors will receive a portfolio containing: the conference programme, the certificate of attendance, a printed brochure containing the abstracts. The electronic version of the volume containing in extenso papers, with ISSN 2360-1841, ISSN-L 2360-1841, edited by a NCSR accredited publishing house C.H. BECK will be available at iccu.upit.ro. The volume is indexed in SSRN, CEEOL, WORLDCAT
- The papers will be written in English and Romanian and will be accompanied by a brief abstract (maximum 10 lines) and 5-7 keywords in English.
- Each author/collective of authors will be notified by e-mail about the Scientific Committee’s acceptance/non-acceptance.
- Borders: top – 3 cm, bottom – 3 cm, left – 2 cm, right – 2 cm (paper size: width: 165 mm, height: 235 mm)
- The paper will be written entirely in Times New Roman, single-spaced.
- The title of the paper will be centered, BOLD, SIZE 14.
- Author’s/authors’ name(s) will be written two lines below the title, in the middle of the page, SIZE 12.
- The abstract: a short presentation of the paper will be made in English, two lines below the author’s/authors’ name(s), ITALIC, SIZE 10.
- 5-7 keywords in English, ITALIC, SIZE 10.
- The text of the paper will be written two lines below the abstract, SIZE 12, JUSTIFY and will be structured as follows:
- Introduction
- The content of the paper may include sections with a well-defined title. The titles of different sections or chapters will be written using BOLD, SIZE 12, in the left margin of the page.
- Conclusion(s) – max. 15 lines
- Final bibliography/references should be displayed at the end of the paper, in alphabetical order by authors` names, structured as follows: https://apastyle.apa.org/about-apa-style
- Papers containing scanned documents will not be published.
E-mail: iccu2008@yahoo.com
Web site: www.iccu.upit.ro
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