Take part in the international exhibition of education 05.04.2024

Take part in the international exhibition of education

The best offer for THU students!
Take part in the international exhibition of education (Educational organization Edu-Guide.Ge)

On April 7, 2024, the "Holiday Inn Tbilisi" hotel will host an international exhibition of education. The fair is open to students who are interested in studying abroad, scholarships and grants, summer schools, short courses and various training programs.

Educational institutions from different countries of the world will participate in the exhibition, as well as embassies and international organizations in Georgia, which offer scholarships and various training programs (both long-term and short-term) to interested persons who come to the exhibition.

Through this exhibition, interested persons are given a unique opportunity to talk face-to-face with representatives of higher education institutions abroad, as well as embassies and international organizations (DAAD, French Institute, American Embassy, British Embassy, AIESEC, ESN, etc.) and get comprehensive information of interest to them. to all questions.

To attend the exhibition, please register at the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1YsOGcFTrSEgQP16DDdDgMSDgXr11xN_UCRya4mf8yNU/edit#responses

The International Education Exhibition is organized by the educational organization Edu-Guide.Ge (www.edu-guide.ge).

Date and time: April 7, 2024; from 12:00 to 17:00

Venue: Holiday Inn Tbilisi hotel (time: 26 May Square #1; opposite the Palace of Sports).

The Facebook event can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1095622131653863?active_tab=about

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