A memorandum of understanding was signed between THU and the auditing company G-Roi
On April 11, 2024, Tbilisi Humanitarian Education University hosted a public lecture, which was conducted by the new employer of the "Business Administration"...
DetailTake part in the international exhibition of education
The best offer for THU students! Take part in the international exhibition of education (Educational organization Edu-Guide.Ge) On April 7, 2024, the...
DetailLecture: the way from student to audit company management and auditor's professional ethics
Information about the trainer 14 years of experience in tax and financial auditing, accounting and professional consulting for private businesses. Certified...
DetailThe result of the open competition
The result of the open competition "Tbilisi Humanitarian Education University" LLC has an academic vacancy The result of the open competition for the positio...
DetailInternational Scientific Journal “Herald of Law” Announces Article Competition
International Scientific Journal “Herald of Law” Announces Article Competition for the 9th (July) Issue of the Journal! International Scient...
DetailImportant news!
Representatives of the State Medical and Pharmacy University named after "Nikolae Testamitanu" of Moldova visited Tbilisi Humanitari...
DetailInternational conference of students and young scientists on the topic: “Modern challenges of science”
On June 17, 2024, an international conference of students and young scientists will be held at Tbilisi Humanitarian University, on the topic: &q...
DetailTake part in the international scientific communication session of students at the partner university!
On April 26, 2024, another international scientific-communication session of students will be held by the Faculty of Economic Sciences and...
DetailChandigarh University invites you!
University of Chandigarh (India, Punjab region) invites professors to participate in the 8th International Faculty Development Program (IFDP)....
DetailExchange study program for students at Aschaffenburg University (Germany)
Aschaffenburg University, within the framework of the memorandum, invites the students of Tbilisi University of Humanities with an exchange-study program, for the fall...
DetailErasmus+ student exchange program at Mikolas Romeris - MRU University!
For the second year already, the students of Tbilisi Humanitarian University will go to study at Mikolas Romeris - MRU University in Lithuania within the framework of...
DetailYouth Festival 2024
On March 11, 2024, at the initiative of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Georgia, a working meeting was held with the representatives of higher educatio...
DetailGet an internship at the Civil Service Bureau of the Public Service Bureau!
Get an internship at the Civil Service Bureau of the Public Service Bureau! The Public Service Bureau of the Civil Service Bureau offers internships to stude...
Detailთჰუ აცხადებს ღია კონკურსს შემდეგი ვაკანტური აკადემიური თანამდებობის დასაკავებლად:
"Tbilisi Humanitarian Education University" LLC (hereinafter - THU) announces an open competition to fill the following vacant academic position: 1...
DetailDon't miss it! Online scientific discussion
On March 2, 2024, at 12:00 p.m., an online scientific discussion on the topic, "Mechanisms for speeding up the consideration of cases in court - international exp...
DetailFor the attention of applicants seeking internal mobility/status restore!
For the attention of those wishing to restore internal mobility/status! Applications and registration of applicants for internal mobility will be accepted an...