Student Conference 2020 08.06.2020

Student Conference 2020

Student Online Conference on "Problems and Challenges of Economics and Business Against the Context of Covid Pandemic"

The conference is open to undergraduate students of all levels who are interested in studying and analyzing current problems / challenges in the field of local and international economics and business, as well as identifying current trends and future prospects.
The conference will be held on July 7, 2020
The working language of the conference is: Georgian and Russian
Full text: 4-6 pages (including the front page);
Font: Sylfaen;
Distance between lines -1.5;
Font size-12
The authors of the selected topic will present a maximum of 15 minutes of presentation at the conference. After each speaker, a discussion will be held around the topic under discussion. At the end of the conference, the jury will select the 3 best speakers who will be presented with symbolic gifts. All participants will be awarded a certificate.
Those wishing to participate, please fill out the application:

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