International Students Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference 20.04.2023

International Students Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference

On 23 April, 2023 at 11:00 Georgia Standard Time (UTC/GMT+4), with Tbilisi Humanitarian University, International Institute for Strategic Research will be hosting the International Students Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference, which will take place in online format via Zoom. The program of the conference has been finalized and is available below.

20 wonderful speakers, representing 18 different universities of 15 countries, have been selected from 213 applications received from 122 universities worldwide.

We are also happy to announce that some spots are still available for attendees, who will have access to all the sessions and keynote presentations that will be offered during the conference and will participate in the Discussions / Q/A Sessions. Participants will be awarded with an attendee certificates.

Registration as an attendee is possible until 21st April 23:59 (UTC/GMT+4) via the following link: