Erasmus+ large-scale CBHE program cluster meeting 12.03.2024

Erasmus+ large-scale CBHE program cluster meeting

On March 6, 2024 the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) and National Erasmus+ Office in Georgia organized the Cluster Meeting for the Ongoing Erasmus+ CBHE Projects at the Tbilisi State University. The event was held in a hybrid format.

The CBHE project aims to enhance the quality of higher education in partner countries outside of the EU. The ultimate goal is to contribute to the sustainable development of higher education systems in the third countries not associated with the programme and foster collaboration and exchange between institutions. CBHE projects are funded by the European Union.

During the first and second sessions of the event Mrs. Georgina PLESU (European Commission), Mrs. Nino (Nika) KOCHISHVILI (EU Delegation in Georgia), Mr. Kakha KHANDOLISHVILI (Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Georgia), Mrs. Mariam SULASHVILI (NEO in Georgia) and Mrs. Rosalba NARDELLI (EACEA) made speeches and answered the questions of the attendees. During the third session -of the event which was aiming sharing the best practice examples in Georgia - Mrs. Irma GRDZELIDZE (TSU) and Mrs.Tamar MAKHARADZE (TSU) addressed the listeners.

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